

Last year, Pro Seniors’ over 50 dedicated volunteers provided over 2,200 hours of service to older Ohioans. Thank you, volunteers!

Please consider the opportunities for volunteering listed below. We hope you’ll find the right fit for your interests and availability.

Sign up to Receive the Pro Seniors E-News, and join us on our journey of celebrating 50 years of serving older Ohioans. Click here.

Fight Fraud

Volunteers for Ohio SMP serve throughout Ohio to help educate people on Medicare about how to avoid Medicare fraud and protect themselves from identity theft. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact David at 513-458-5522, or at 1-800-293-4767.

Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Volunteers for the ombudsman program support our efforts to make sure residents in assisted living and nursing homes are being treated with respect. There are a range of volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering, in Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, or Warren counties, please contact Nick at 513-458-5520.

Legal Services

Ohio attorneys who want to increase access to justice can agree to accept referrals in their legal practice. If you are interested in joining our attorney referral panel, please contact Katie at 513-458-5505

Administrative Support

Volunteers assist agency staff with mailings, projects, special events and other office work. Contact Katie at 513-458-5505 for more information.

If you can’t volunteer right now, you can still support Pro Seniors’ services by making a tax-deductible gift. Your gift will make a difference!

Many older Ohioans who need Pro Seniors’ services do not know our confidential help is available at no charge. Please help us spread the word by talking about Pro Seniors’ services, following our social media,  and sharing our website with someone new.