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Sign Up Now: Ombudsman Volunteer Training Starts January 4, 2021!

Sign Up Now: Ombudsman Volunteer Training Starts January 4, 2021!

Our ombudsman volunteer training is now available virtually.   The next series begins in January, 2021.  You’ll connect with our volunteer coordinator, Linda, and other volunteer candidates, while remaining safely in your own home.

Our volunteer advocates make such a difference in the life of each resident they visit – even by phone, or from a distance! Ombudsman volunteers help people learn about their rights in the nursing home, who to bring their questions and concerns to, and how to effectively participate in decisions that impact their lives.  Within our office, ombudsman volunteers assist callers with information on how to select a long-term care provider, or they assist with other support functions.

Ombudsman volunteers are an essential part of our service to older adults and others who rely on a nursing home or assisted living for their care, and reaching out to their families and the broader community. Certified ombudsman volunteers with Pro Seniors are typically assigned to one or more nursing home,  conveniently located for the volunteer. The ombudsman volunteer gets to know residents in the assigned home(s) through routine weekly/monthly contacts, makes sure that new residents are aware of our services, and that all residents know that they have rights.

The dates/times of the next training for Long Term Care Volunteer Ombudsman candidates are listed below.

Have you applied yet to volunteer as an ombudsman?  If not, please submit your application.  If you’re on social media, follow @ProSeniors and @ProSeniorsInc for tips on advocacy and related information.

Training Calendar for New Ombudsman Volunteer Candidates.

Candidates must complete all sessions to be eligible for certification.  (Contact Linda about accessing the recording of any session(s) you may need to miss.)

Monday January 4 noon – 1:30 pm Introduction
Wednesday January 6 3 pm – 4:30 pm Long-Term Care Services
Friday January 9 noon – 1 pm Homework review & discussion
Monday January 11 noon – 1:30 pm Aging Process/L.T.C. consumers
Wednesday January 13 3 pm – 4:30 pm Resident Rights
Friday January 15 noon – 1 pm Homework review & discussion
Monday January 18 noon – 1:30 pm Ombudsman Skills
Wednesday January 20 3 pm – 4:30 pm Documentation, Exam prep
Friday January 22 noon Exam