Impact and Inspiration: What I’m Learning as a Nonprofit Intern (3/19/2025)
March 19, 2025
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By Kayla Zesaguli
Hi everyone! My name is Kayla Zesaguli, and I am the Development and Communications intern at Pro Seniors. I am in my third year as a Marketing major at Xavier University, and I am honored to play a role in supporting Pro Seniors’ mission to advocate for and support older adults in Ohio.
Did you know that older adults are more likely to be working full-time than ever before? See the graph to the left, courtesy of the Pew Research Center, for a visual representation of this positive change!
This internship is my first experience with an organization that gives advice, representation and fights for justice- and I would love for you to follow me along my learning journey at Pro Seniors! I will be posting blogs every Wednesday- so make sure to check back on our website to see updates, more news from Pro Seniors, and other fun information from me.
I hope to see you back here for next week’s post!
Until then,
Kayla Zesaguli