
I Can’t Pay My Rent!

I Can’t Pay My Rent!

Marion, age 66, called our Legal Helpline when her Social Security check was not deposited in her account on time. “I called Social Security, and all they could tell me was that my checks had stopped.”  She was distraught.

Marion spoke with our Helpline Managing Attorney, Mike Walters, who arranged to make a conference call to Social Security with Marion the following morning.  During the call, they learned that there had been an error by Social Security, and that’s why her check had been stopped. They agreed to issue a check and put it in the mail.  Within a week Marion followed up to let us know she had received her check and was able to pay her rent.

“I didn’t know what to do when my check got stopped. A friend told me the number to call Pro Seniors. I’m glad I did! I really appreciate the help!”